A 33 year old full time wife to my hubby and a proud mom to my bagets. Writing is my way of expressing what I feel and sharing it to others will be great.
Staying at home and be with my family is my life now, quite difficult but it feels good.
I took up journalism. I think I can give a contribution here by posting a blog which I enjoy doing before (during school paper times)After working for almost 10 years in a different firm, I miss writing and Im here now to share it to you guys,(",)
Summer is really here! Sore eyes, dehydration and chicken pox are in season. Hubby is just stayed @ home for 3 days having chicken pox. He's complaining for itchiness and pain of his body with fever too. He's on sickleave right now. Chloee have to sleep in other room to prevent having it too, even if she has the vaccine for chicken pox, still prevention is better than cure. Get well soon to you sweetie!
Today, we're celebrating our 3rd year wedding anniversary. March 13, 2006 when we got married. There's no perfect marriage or perfect relationship but for me, me and my husband are really perfect for each other! hehehe! And now that our family is starting to grow, I know it will surely add another happiness for the 3 of us. Chloee is a big girl now and excited to see our new baby. I'm am now on my 3rd month and maybe by the nest 2 more months I can have my ultrasound to know the gender of my baby.
By the way, Happy 3rd Year Anniversary Sweetie! This song is for you!
First day of march when we decided to admit my daughter Chloee to the hospital due to fever and lbm. We've also found out that she has urinary track infection and a slight dehydration. We stayed 3 days and 3 nights at the hospital but what matter is she's doing well now. No more carbonated drinks allowed, no more foods with preservatives. no chocolates, dairy products for the mean time until she fully recovered.
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