Hey guys:) hows you holidays? New Year, new hobbies, new resolutions, new routine.
I just thought to start the year by continuing to write for something new. It's been
a couple of months since he last time I wrote, so many things happened, so many stuff
to talk about and wish I could share it to you in detailed. Just for example is my
husband. He's already working in Taiwan now, away from me, away from kids but daily we
talk and still find time to make it a normal life even if he's far. It's a dream of him
to work abroad just to give us a better life. I am happy for him and I really
appreciate all his efforts and sacrifices for us. I always pray for his safety and
health. My kids really misses him a lot. They wish to see him and be with him always.
I support him all the way and even I can't help him to earn for now, I choose to focus
on my children's needs. I miss him too but all I can do is to do my part as a mom and I
just think and believe that it's for my kids sake. Take care always Papu... that's how
I call him and the kids too just to be different hehehe. Good day guys. Ciao♦