
Monday, September 1, 2008

Believing and trusting

This message caught my attention early tonight when I'm browsing the internet to look for some images that I need. I didn't really notice what is the message behind this image but when I tried to enlarge the image, the message above is what that I got. For me being confident is really an important thing to our lives but I think it's just a right amount of that "confidence" we must have. Not more, not less but just a right confidence with self esteem is alright. It's not about believing in your self but Trust to yourself is the keyword. Yah there's a difference between believing and trusting. . . Well that's only my opinion hehehe! I think I trust myself more than believing. Got my point?
hehehe! Guys, I just want to emphasize here that it's not that all that we think is what we are, it's what we do and who we become. nyek! hehehe!